Capacity Exchange

The Electronic Capacity Exchange is an online service that allows you to quickly find technology partners and build chains for cooperation on the most favorable terms.

Our advantages

The service is already used by more than 100 companies, the number of orders placed exceeds 2.6 billion rubles. The platform cuts the time required to select the right contractor in half: on average, the search takes from 3 to 5 working days. The quality and expertise of all participants of the exchange have been tested and confirmed by actual results of work.

How to order?

To place a bid, you need to submit the terms of reference, specify the deadline and amount of the contract. Contractors will send their own proposals and the customer can choose the best ones based on the rating which is formed on the basis of the feedback about the work already done.

How to connect to the service?

Register on the official website of the Electronic Capacity Exchange and work with the best technology partners


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